Born in 1977 in Tokyo.
Japanese and French.
Lives and works in Paris.
After graduating from ENSCI-Les Ateliers (Paris) in 2001, Jun Yasumoto established himself as an independent designer and began collaborating with Jasper Morrison Office for Design in 2002, working on the development of numerous furniture, product, lighting and tableware design projects. In tandem, he developed his independent career, working with clients such as Colos, Arrmet, Memo, Bosc, Fucina, Yamakawa, Ligne Roset, and Kohler Group. In 2023, he started a collaboration with Oliver Corporation in Japan as Design Advisor, acting as an external consultant to the company’s design team.
“ - What is the major challenge while designing and creating a new product ?
- I would say that despite the fact that there is a lot of work and efforts put into the design process of a product, I always try to make sure that this tension is not perceptible at the end. Being able to have enough distance with the object you design while you are working on details that are sometimes below the millimeter scale is a crucial point. To contain a lot of attention and work within a relaxed looking object is what I try to aim for. ” (Excerpt from an interview with